Individual challenges approachable with hypnosis work and possible ways forward

Hypnosis work can be used for a huge number of individual challenges. The own mindset and preferences determine whether a self-organized or rather a guided approach gets one closer to the success.

  • Root cause oriented approach
    In this case the focus is put on the initiating event. Once this is clear and has been faced, the consequences out of this experience can be neutralized.
  • Solution oriented approach
    Solution oriented approach bypasses the cause and one focus on the goal and the way forward.
  • Activation of additional resources & mobilisation of energy
    With this approach additional resources and energies can be mobilized for the daily challenges.
  • Individual hypnotic suggestions
    These are perfect tools in order to recover during a few silent minutes.

Root cause oriented

Release of tension
Sports hypnosis
Improving relationship behaviour
Blockade release
Mental preparation for exams in general
Weight reduction
Performance improvement
Solving learning blockades
Building motivation
Increasing self-confidence
Building self-confidence
Optimising sleep patterns
Dealing with guilt
Stress management
Stage fright
Reducing smoking
Reducing inner restlessness
Repatriation in this life
Past life regression
Fantasy journeys or the flow of life

Solution oriented

Release of tension
Sports hypnosis
Improving relationship behaviour
Blockade release
Mental preparation for exams in general
Weight reduction
Performance improvement
Solving learning blockades
Motivation building
Positive thinking
Increase self-confidence
Building self-confidence
Optimising sleep patterns
Dealing with guilt
Counteracting shyness
Stage fright
Mental exam preparation
Reducing smoking
Reducing inner restlessness
Preparation for important events
Fantasy journeys or the flow of life
Projection into the future
Relaxing to the dentist

Activation of additional resources & mobilisation of energy

Instructions for self-hypnosis for self-help
Activating self-healing powers
Sports hypnosis
Improving relationship behaviour
Mental preparation for exams in general
Weight reduction
Increasing concentration
Improving performance
Solving learning blockades
Mental Coaching
Motivation building
Positive thinking
Promoting personal resources
Increasing self-confidence
Building self-confidence
Optimising sleep patterns
Dealing with guilt
Counteracting shyness
Coping with stress
Strengthening skills
Stage fright
Mental exam preparation
Reducing smoking
Reducing inner restlessness
Preparation for important events
Retraction in this life
Past life regression
Fantasy journeys or the flow of life
Relaxed to the dentist

Individual hypnotic suggestions

Instructions for self-hypnosis for self-help
Activating self-healing powers
Releasing tension
Improve relationship behaviour
Mental preparation for exams in general
Weight reduction
Increasing concentration
Improving performance
Solving learning blockades
Mental Coaching
Motivation building
Positive thinking
Promoting personal resources
Increasing self-confidence
Building self-confidence
Optimising sleep behaviour
Dealing with guilt
Counteracting shyness
Stress management
Strengthening skills
Stage fright
Mental exam preparation
Reducing smoking
Reducing inner restlessness
Preparation for important events
Fantasy journeys or the flow of life


If you have any questions, please write me an email or just call me.