The hypnosis package for curiosity

… this is how to you use your hidden talents.

If you are curious about what hypnosis can do, but not yet convinced, then try this package.

The package includes a hypnosis session in combination with a preliminary discussion on possible risks (approx. 2 hours). In total a fee of 90 Euro incl. taxes applies.

What is it about?

You belong to …

  • the SILVER AGERS (born between 1921 and 1965),
  • the BABY BOOMERS (born between 1966 and 1980),
  • the TURBO GENERATION (born between 1981 and 1995)
  • or to the MILLENIALS resp. the Y GENERATION (born in 1996 or later)

and you are currently dealing with …

  • a new start or back to life
  • the return from a “distance society” or from “distance learning” back to social life
  • giving yourself more space
  • using your past for a better future (regression session)
  • let go your past and close open issues

Then, this package is just the right start for a better work & life balance.



If you have any questions, please write me an email or just call me.